Outbound Coaching

Outbound Coaching

Go from newbie to pro within weeks in the outbound space.

Go from newbie to pro within weeks in the outbound space.



Get proven templates that consistently books meetings.

Get proven templates that consistently books meetings.

Get proven templates that consistently books meetings.




Start building workflows to automate your outbound marketing.

Start building workflows to automate your outbound marketing.

Start building workflows to automate your outbound marketing.

Tell us what you need.

Tell us what you need.




What does the coaching cover?

Our coaching covers all aspects of outbound marketing, but with most focus on cold email marketing. We try to answer every single question you have and we also cover dfferent softwares that can be useful in your specific case.

How prepared do I have to be?

You can be fully unprepared, we always recommend you to have at least a few setups ready that we can go over but if you don't it doesn't matter.

What happens if I can't make the time I booked?

We re-schedule at no extra cost of course! If you have paid for a session and it turns out that you can make that time & date then think of the payment as a token you can trade for a session.